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mercoledì 19 ottobre 2016


                                             TECHNIQUE BY MANUELA ANTONELLI

The vertebral column is the axis of support of our body, a flexible structure with important functions: it protects the spinal cord and it holds up our body.
Often our life style can affects in a wrong way on the bone structure and muscles, causing pain specially in the cervical zone, when we download tensions on the neck muscles or on the lower back this can cause serious diseases .
When the natural shape of the vertebral column undergo changes, backache appears.
Weight distribution on the vertebrae and on the other parts of the column, is no longer the right one , this originates the pain.
This treatment allows to improve the posture, the musculature won ‘t be no longer under strain.
This technique is unique because with only one session the vertebral column will be definitively aligned , except in cases of scoliosis .Before the treatment the operator needs to check any anomalies in the body of the client by a light touch with the hand to understand which points need to be rebalanced.
The first point is checking if there is any scoliosis, scoliosis is a deformity of the vertebral column with a lateral curvature and a rotation of the vertebral parts in the lower back, dorsal or cervical.
The second point is checking if there is any kyphosis a curvature of the spine as it occurs in the cervical , thoracic and sacral region.
The third point is checking if there is any lordosis, an excessive curvature of the lower back.
The fourth point is a chiropractic adjustment to check the pelvis .
The client is completely dressed during the treatment.
After this check , the client will lie down on a bed with the eyes closed during all the session. The operator will be near him connecting with the energy and continuing the work with a light touch of the hand on different points of the body.
After 40 minutes of this energetic treatment ,we repeat the checking of the points we did at the beginning .
At this point we can see the real change.
We must keep in mind that because the muscles don t align together with the column, for some days it is possible to have muscle aches. We have to remember that the body cells have a different time to memorize a new information.
Example : SKIN: two weeks - RED BLOOD CELLS: three months- LIVER: one year and half- Bones : seven years

For this reason very often we will have an immediate result of the scoliosis , kyphosis and lordosis, others can take some more time to see the change, because the time to memorize is not the same for everyone.
This treatment will bring a big benefit for the person.

We are pleased to present our work around Europe. For all the people interested, please contact;

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